
Astrology was my gateway into spirituality and is my strongest skillset. Whether you’re looking to get to know yourself on a deeper level, heal your inner child, understand what alignment looks like in a relationship or career, want to get an understanding of how the current energy is affecting your life, or just feel plain stuck in a rut, astrology can provide a shocking degree of accuracy and insight that can help you move towards your highest and best self. Just do me a favor and make sure you have an accurate birth time 😉

New Client Natal Chart Reading


In this session I will do a deep dive on your birth chart. I will cover the Big 6, aspects, asteroids, any areas of concern for you, and anything else I see to be relevant. You can expect to leave the session with a much more solid understanding of your energetic mechanics as well as lots of tips for how to level up with your default character settings.

New Client Transit Chart Reading


In this session I will do an extensive analysis over what is going on in your transit chart. I will cover outer planet transits, aspects to natal planets, and anything else I see as relevant. You can expect to leave the session with a more comprehensive understanding of your current situation and what you can do to minimize any resistance you're facing.

Returning Client Transit Chart Reading


Welcome back! Excited to be of service :) let me know what's on your mind and what you want guidance on. I'll identify where there are blessings, challenges, and chaos in your life at the time of the reading, but feel free to list out anything else that you'd like me to look into.

New Client Natal + Transit Bundle


This is my most comprehensive offer! We will discuss your strengths and areas you can level up in your birth chart as well as what is going on in your life at the time of the reading. You can expect to walk away with knowledge you can apply to your everyday life in your psychology, mental health, and everyday life.

Bestie Roast BOGO Half Off Bundle


In this session you and your bestie can get read for filth at a discounted rate! This reading is designed to be a roast, so come prepared to hear allllll the tea (and your friend's tea too!) Prepare for jaw-dropping information that’ll have you both hooting and hollering.